zc74560's statistics

Through The Ages Online Statistics

Rank: 41  
Experience: 1356300   TOP 4%  
Games finished: 438   TOP 3%  
Games won: 305   TOP 2%  
Win rate: 2players games :    70%
3players games :    50%
4players games :    29%
Avg. result: 0.69
Currently playing: 0 games
Favorite speed: Favorite speed | Favorite speed
Favorite player count: Favorite number of players | Favorite number of players
trophy Highest win streak: 17 wins
Highest score achieved: 420 culture
Highest dominance: 240 culture
Most experience at once: 9200 exp
Players zc74560 defeated the most times:
online ben0728 10x
XenonRadon 10x
ChinaWanping 8x
krulla 7x
online saru 6x
Four-Zero 6x
hyx 5x
icyarrow 5x
thallium 5x
TsugumiKoko 4x
Players who defeated zc74560:
krulla 10x
TsugumiKoko 6x
online ben0728 6x
Xxyu 5x
TSS 5x
Fayebian 4x
online saru 4x
icyarrow 4x
xuxu 3x
XenonRadon 3x
Highest science production ever: +20 science
+20 science
Highest culture production ever: +41 culture
+41 culture
Most culture scored from wonder: 56 culture
56 culture
Biggest strength ever: 105 strength
105 strength
Biggest war victory ever: by 64 strength
by 64 strength