amirbern's statistics

Through The Ages Online Statistics

Rank: 40  
Experience: 969050   TOP 6%  
Games finished: 249   TOP 6%  
Games won: 42   TOP 15%  
Win rate: 2players games :    24%
3players games :    28%
4players games :    10%
Avg. result: 0.32
Currently playing: 11 games
Favorite speed: Favorite speed | Favorite speed
Favorite player count: Favorite number of players | Favorite number of players
trophy Highest win streak: 3 wins
Highest score achieved: 359 culture
Highest dominance: 143 culture
Most experience at once: 15000 exp
Players amirbern defeated the most times:
online Jenefer77 7x
aboadaa 5x
online Rako 4x
online ndzwdz 3x
online Wazon 3x
online SKoolS 3x
online Midyat 2x
Mirandel 2x
Tschundemos 2x
J0j0 2x
Players who defeated amirbern:
sheeplovebeer 6x
LeSauvage 6x
online Tachibana 5x
Daliman13 5x
online Kitsu 4x
online JohnyT 4x
online laozhang 4x
online Salohcin 4x
online PBMichel 4x
online Shergar 3x
Highest science production ever: +28 science
+28 science
Highest culture production ever: +28 culture
+28 culture
Most culture scored from wonder: 25 culture
25 culture
Biggest strength ever: 90 strength
90 strength
Biggest war victory ever: by 44 strength
by 44 strength